Zhangjiagang Huade Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd

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HomeVideoUPVC window frame production line

UPVC window frame production line

1. Suitable to UPVC series profile, as Ceiling,Decking,Flooring,Plank,Windowsill,Door frame and Board 2. Conical twin-screw extruder is perfect with PVC powder or granular material. 3. Mould designed by different kinds of profile customer required. 4. Supply formula guide and staple raw material purchase. Plastic PVC/UPVC/ Frame /Window Profile/Wall Panel/ Extruder/Extrusion/Extruding Making Machine Price Zhangjiagang Huade Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd Mob : +86-13601562675 WhatsApp: +86-13601562675 WeChat: hdextrusion


HomeVideoUPVC window frame production line

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