Zhangjiagang Huade Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd

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HomeБүтээгдэхүүнHDPE PP Pipe Extrusion LineABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
  • ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
  • ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
  • ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
  • ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
  • ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
  • ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making

ABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making

  • $48000
  • $46000
Төлбөрийн хэлбэр:
Мин. Захиалга:
1 Set/Sets
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Загварын дугаар20-110mm



Processing Plastic TypePe, Pp


Screw DesignSingle-Screw

Screw Material38crmoala

Screw Diameter (mm)65

Screw Length To Diameter Ratio33:1

Showroom Location (in Which Countries Are There Sample Rooms Overseas)None

Place Of OriginChina

Warranty Period1 Year

Core Selling PointSustainable

Out-of-warranty ServiceVideo Technical Support, Spare Parts, Online Support

Where To Provide Local Services (in Which Countries Are There Overseas Service Outlets)None

Applicable IndustryManufacturing Plant

Marketing TypeNew Product 2020

Video Factory InspectionProvided

Mechanical Test ReportProvided

Core Component Warranty Period1 Year

Core ComponentsGearbox, Motor

Нийлүүлэлтийн чадвар ...


ГэрчилгээCE ISO9000

HS код84778000


Төлбөрийн хэлбэрL/C,T/T


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Худалдах нэгж:

Multi-Layer HDPE pipe is a co-extruded two or three layer pipe made from PE 100 and special PE-100RC materials.

The inner and outer layers have superior performance characteristics against abrasion and point load effects and are made of the innovative, extremely robust plastic PE-100RC.

The multi-layers HDPE pipe making machine typically consists of the following components:
1. Extruder: The extruder is the main component of the machine, responsible for melting and homogenizing the polypropylene resin. It consists of a barrel and a screw, which rotate to generate heat and pressure required for melting the resin.
2. Co-extrusion Die head: The die head is responsible for shaping the molten resin into a pipe. It has a specific design to control the size and dimensions of the pipe being produced.
3. Cooling system: After the pipe is extruded from the die head, it needs to be cooled down to solidify. The cooling system usually includes water tanks to rapidly cool the pipe.
4. Haul-off unit: The haul-off unit is used to pull the pipe out of the machine at a constant speed. It consists of belts or caterpillar tracks that grip the pipe and move it forward.
5. Cutting unit: Once the pipe is pulled out of the machine, it needs to be cut into desired lengths. The cutting unit can be equipped with a saw to achieve precise and clean cuts.
6. Control system: The full set pipe production line is controlled by a control panel, which allows the operator to monitor and adjust various parameters such as temperature, speed, and pressure.

Бүтээгдэхүүний ангилал : HDPE PP Pipe Extrusion Line

Энэ нийлүүлэгчид мэйлээр илгээх
  • *Гарчиг:
  • *To:
    Ms. Rice
  • *И-мэйл хаяг:
  • *Захиа:
    Таны зурвас 20-8000 тэмдэгтийн хооронд байх ёстой
HomeБүтээгдэхүүнHDPE PP Pipe Extrusion LineABC ABA design multi-layers HDPE pipe making
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